average > 0 ? $model->average . '分' : '10.0分' ?>


Michelle Zou

麦思博 北美CEO

Michelle Zou 女士现任msup 北美CEO,太平洋咨询有限公司总裁及首席顾问,西雅图美中商会副总裁,企业团队与领导力导师,并被微软聘为市场营销和产品管理培训师。她从事高科技行业20余年,往返于中美两国之间,曾在微软、HP、EMC和IDC等多家跨国公司及中国企业任部门总监、产品经理、市场分析师等职务。现担任多家中、美企业顾问,提供企业管理、团队建设、领导力和市场营销培训与咨询。在微软公司工作9年间,曾任移动产品大中华地区总监,并在美国总部负责过产品营销战略,管理过多项互联网产品与服务在全球市场的调研、研发、上市及推广业务。她还在微软内部的创业部门管理了十余项新产品的考核、规划及研发。她拥有美国MBA和金融双硕士学位,美国Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC Coaching) Professional Coach 证书。

Michelle Zou 女士现任msup 北美CEO,太平洋咨询有限公司总裁及首席顾问,西雅图美中商会副总裁,企业团队与领导力导师,并被微软聘为市场营销和产品管理培训师。她从事高科技行业20余年,往返于中美两国之间,曾在微软、HP、EMC和IDC等多家跨国公司及中国企业任部门总监、产品经理、市场分析师等职务。现担任多家中、美企业顾问,提供企业管理、团队建设、领导力和市场营销培训与咨询。在微软公司工作9年间,曾任移动产品大中华地区总监,并在美国总部负责过产品营销战略,管理过多项互联网产品与服务在全球市场的调研、研发、上市及推广业务。她还在微软内部的创业部门管理了十余项新产品的考核、规划及研发。她拥有美国MBA和金融双硕士学位,美国Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC Coaching) Professional Coach 证书。


6800.00 /人









Module 1
(Marketing Fundamentals)
1.市场营销的定义(What is Marketing?)
1.Marketing的目的是什么? (What are the objectives of marketing?)
2.传统客户购买旅程模型(The Traditional Customer Purchase Journey Model)
·在购买旅程中的各个接触环节影响客户(Marketing needs influence customers at touch points along the customer journey)
·向客户沟通/卖什么?(WHAT do we communicate/sell? )
·沟通/卖给谁?(Communicate/sell to WHO?)
3.Marketing 的基础理论: 4P, 4C, 4R (Marketing theories basics: 4P, 4C, 4R)
4.上市推广计划的过程简介(Go-To-Market Plan development process overview):
o Value Proposition – Positioning – Messaging – Storytelling – GTM Strategy – Marketing Plan - Integrated Marketing Campaign


本节介绍传统客户购买旅程模型及上市推广计划的过程,帮助学员建立对marketing 的整体认识和需要考虑的关键问题
Module 2
(Who do we sell to, and What do we tell them?
1. 什么是产品核心价值定位/主张?(What is a Value Proposition?)
·价值是主观的,有背景联系的,有得有失的(Value is subjective, contextual, gives & gets)
·讨论: 哪个最好?(Discussion: What is the best one?)
·Proposition是一个全方位的呈现(Proposition is a totality offer to a customer)
·产品核心价值实例分析(Examples of products’ value proposition
·怎么使用产品核心价值?(How do we use value proposition)?
2. 产品核心价值的要素是什么?(What are the elements of a Value Proposition?)
·产品核心价值的7要素模型工具(The Value Prop model: 7 elements (tool))
·整个生态系统的核心价值(Value Prop for the entire ecosystem)
3. 目标客户:市场细分,目标细分市场(Target customer: market segmentation, target segment)
4. 练习:制定你的产品核心价值定位(Exercise: Develop your product value prop)
·如何细分市场?谁是你的目标客户?他们将怎样使用你的产品?(How do you segment your market? Who is your target customer? What are their scenarios?)
·他们的得到与给出是什么?What are the Gets and Gives


Module 3
(Outbound communications: What do we want customers feel and hear?
1.市场定位:你希望客户怎样理解和感受你的产品?(Positioning: What do you want your customers feel and think about your products?)
2.市场定位框架工具(Positioning Framework (tool))
3.市场定位案例(Examples of positioning framework)
4.练习:制定你的产品市场定位(Exercise: develop positioning for your own products)
5.产品信息:在marketing 传播中我们怎样讲诉我们的产品?( Messaging: How we tell our positioning to customers in marketing communications?)


Module 4
(Telling our messaging through storytelling
1.为什么要用讲故事的方式?(Why storytelling?)
2.B2B故事案例分析(Example of B2B stories)
3.练习:你的产品故事(Exercise: What is your product stories?)
4.产品发布会上怎样讲故事(Storytelling at product launch events)
·发布会案例分析(Event Examples)
·发布会策划和执行及工具Event strategy and execution (tool)


Module 5
将我们所学的放在一起: 制定 GTM 战略和计划
(Put everything together: Developing GTM strategy and plan)
1.客户购买旅程图工具(Customer Purchase Journey Map (tool))
2.制定 GTM 战略(Develop GTM strategy)
·市场评定& 决定GTM模式(Market assessment & GTM Model)
·渠道策划(Channel mapping & planning)
·渠道合作伙伴的核心价值定位(Channel partner value proposition)
·合作伙伴培训项目(Partner enablement)
·招募合作伙伴(Partner recruiting)
·合作伙伴的评定(Partner health assessment)
3.整合营销传播计划和实际操作技巧(Integrated Marketing Communication plan with tactics)
4.营销计划清单工具(Marketing plan check list (tool))
5.整合营销案例分析(Examples of marketing plans)
6.GTM计划模板工具(GTM plan templates (tool))
7.练习:制定你的GTM计划(Exercise: build your GTM plan)


Module 1
(Marketing Fundamentals)
1.市场营销的定义(What is Marketing?)
1.Marketing的目的是什么? (What are the objectives of marketing?)
2.传统客户购买旅程模型(The Traditional Customer Purchase Journey Model)
·在购买旅程中的各个接触环节影响客户(Marketing needs influence customers at touch points along the customer journey)
·向客户沟通/卖什么?(WHAT do we communicate/sell? )
·沟通/卖给谁?(Communicate/sell to WHO?)
3.Marketing 的基础理论: 4P, 4C, 4R (Marketing theories basics: 4P, 4C, 4R)
4.上市推广计划的过程简介(Go-To-Market Plan development process overview):
o Value Proposition – Positioning – Messaging – Storytelling – GTM Strategy – Marketing Plan - Integrated Marketing Campaign


本节介绍传统客户购买旅程模型及上市推广计划的过程,帮助学员建立对marketing 的整体认识和需要考虑的关键问题
Module 2
(Who do we sell to, and What do we tell them?
1. 什么是产品核心价值定位/主张?(What is a Value Proposition?)
·价值是主观的,有背景联系的,有得有失的(Value is subjective, contextual, gives & gets)
·讨论: 哪个最好?(Discussion: What is the best one?)
·Proposition是一个全方位的呈现(Proposition is a totality offer to a customer)
·产品核心价值实例分析(Examples of products’ value proposition
·怎么使用产品核心价值?(How do we use value proposition)?
2. 产品核心价值的要素是什么?(What are the elements of a Value Proposition?)
·产品核心价值的7要素模型工具(The Value Prop model: 7 elements (tool))
·整个生态系统的核心价值(Value Prop for the entire ecosystem)
3. 目标客户:市场细分,目标细分市场(Target customer: market segmentation, target segment)
4. 练习:制定你的产品核心价值定位(Exercise: Develop your product value prop)
·如何细分市场?谁是你的目标客户?他们将怎样使用你的产品?(How do you segment your market? Who is your target customer? What are their scenarios?)
·他们的得到与给出是什么?What are the Gets and Gives


Module 3
(Outbound communications: What do we want customers feel and hear?
1.市场定位:你希望客户怎样理解和感受你的产品?(Positioning: What do you want your customers feel and think about your products?)
2.市场定位框架工具(Positioning Framework (tool))
3.市场定位案例(Examples of positioning framework)
4.练习:制定你的产品市场定位(Exercise: develop positioning for your own products)
5.产品信息:在marketing 传播中我们怎样讲诉我们的产品?( Messaging: How we tell our positioning to customers in marketing communications?)


Module 4
(Telling our messaging through storytelling

1.为什么要用讲故事的方式?(Why storytelling?)
2.B2B故事案例分析(Example of B2B stories)
3.练习:你的产品故事(Exercise: What is your product stories?)
4.产品发布会上怎样讲故事(Storytelling at product launch events)
·发布会案例分析(Event Examples)
·发布会策划和执行及工具Event strategy and execution (tool)


Module 5
将我们所学的放在一起: 制定 GTM 战略和计划
(Put everything together: Developing GTM strategy and plan)
1.客户购买旅程图工具(Customer Purchase Journey Map (tool))
2.制定 GTM 战略(Develop GTM strategy)
·市场评定& 决定GTM模式(Market assessment & GTM Model)
·渠道策划(Channel mapping & planning)
·渠道合作伙伴的核心价值定位(Channel partner value proposition)
·合作伙伴培训项目(Partner enablement)
·招募合作伙伴(Partner recruiting)
·合作伙伴的评定(Partner health assessment)
3.整合营销传播计划和实际操作技巧(Integrated Marketing Communication plan with tactics)
4.营销计划清单工具(Marketing plan check list (tool))
5.整合营销案例分析(Examples of marketing plans)
6.GTM计划模板工具(GTM plan templates (tool))
7.练习:制定你的GTM计划(Exercise: build your GTM plan)

